Company's Annual Meet 2022 along with DSP Lab, Chennai

Author : Administrator

Published on : 2023-01-19

ITL’s Annual Company Meet was celebrated at a beach resort in Chennai. This event was graced by all its employees from across the country, along with our DSP Lab. During this meet ITL shared its past year’s achievements and unveiled future plans.

The Meet started with a welcome note by ITL CEO, Mahesh, highlighting ITL success so far and the journey ahead and thanked the employees for their hard work and dedication. The keynote speaker then took the stage, giving a motivational talk on the importance of teamwork and collaboration in achieving success.

After the speeches, employees participated in various team-building activities, such as beach volleyball, cricket, and a tug of war competition. The activities were designed to encourage employees to work together, build relationships and have fun.

In the afternoon, employees participated in breakout sessions, where they discussed the company’s plans and strategies for the coming year. They also shared ideas and best practices with one another, learning from each other’s experiences and expertise.

The company recognized and honored employees for their outstanding achievements and contributions to the company throughout the year. The event was closed with entertainment performances.

Overall, the Annual Company Meet and Celebration was a great success, providing employees with the opportunity to connect, learn and celebrate together in a beautiful and relaxed environment. The event was a perfect way to thank employees for their hard work and to build a stronger, more cohesive team.